Ns2 project in Nova Scotia
Ns2 project in Nova Scotia this section is a brief description of PARULE, a rule language with parallel execution semantics. ns2 project in Nova Scotia PARULEL syntax is derived from OPS5, while mits operational sernantic.s resemble those of Datalog’. PARULEL programs consist of “object-level” prodnction rules, “metarules” for a ns2 project in Nova Scotia programmable operational semantics, and a database of facts. Object-level rules consist of a conjunctive left–handside of conditions which are tested against the database of facts and a right hand side of actions to be performed on the database. The LHS ns2 project in Nova Scotia corresponds to rule bodies of Datalog-style languages, and the RHS corresponds to rule heads. The object-level rules encode the basic, problem solving knowledge.
The “programmable” conflict resolution strategy is realized via meta-level rules, ns2 project in Nova Scotia that express domaindependent relationships among the rule instantiations in ns2 project in Nova Scotia the conflict set at any given cycle. These metarules specify what specific types of interactions among rule instances indicate a conflict. The action of these metarules is to remove, or redact, one or more of the conflicting rule instances from the conflict set.
The post-redaction conflict set is considered to be conflict-free, and can be fired concurrently, The ns2 project in Nova Scotia ease and flexibility with which control can be specified for problem solving has long been a useful metric for the richness of a programming language, and has ns2 project in Nova Scotia influenced language design considerably. In the PARULELlanguage, metarules express control. Control may involve the scheduling of sequential tasks, or expressing ns2 project in Nova Scotia preferences among competing parallel paths.