Study and analysis of Social network Aggregator[ ns2 project]

Study and analysis of Social network Aggregator

As seen in ac resistance is not only related to MMF ratio mbut also dependent on the ratio ξ.With a given frequency, the  minimal ac resistance can be determined by the layer thickness of windings. The choice of thickness as a physical parameter has been a key in optimizing PT. shows that the ratio of ac resistance to Study and analysis of Social network Aggregator dc resistance increases with increasing thickness at  a fixed frequency. Study and analysis of Social network Aggregator[ ns2 project]_For a largem, the proximity effect dominates over the skin effect, which leads to a higher winding resistance. With decreasing thickness of the conductor, the ratio is close to which represents a low eddy current effect in the conductor Study and analysis of Social network Aggregator, but the dc resistance will be increased.

Hereby, minimal ac resistances can be figured out for different MMF ratios m, as shown in Regarding the case that several number of turns are involved in a layer, the proximity effect among them in the horizontal direction can almost be negligible if the width is much more than the thickness; otherwise, the porosity factor η needs to be introduced As shown in the MMF ratio m is referred to be as small as possible, so that Study and analysis of Social network Aggregatora minimal ac resistance can be obtained. In fact, it is not practical in the middle frequency, because a relative thicker conductor needs to be used. The window space of the core is also a limitation on this issue. However, in high-frequency application above the MMF ratio m of can practically be implemented because of a very small skin depth. Parallel connection of multilayer for planar winding is now usually employed to increase the current handling capacity of the winding.

Study and analysis of Social network Aggregators

However, with parallel winding connections, the magnetic field around windings becomes more complicated. Due to the leakage fluxes and the high-frequency effects, the currents may not be equally shared among the paralleled layers. In other words, circulating currents may exist in parallel layers, which contributes to an extra winding loss. and  present the extra winding loss caused by “parallel effect loss” circulating currents in detail. Study and analysis of Social network Aggregator There are many limitations on the validity of such as the minimum distances between consecutive turns, between adjacent layers, and between the conductor edge and the magnetic core, as well as sinusoidal waveform. The most outstanding work as a calculation method of the ac resistance for any current waveform to correct Dowell’s assumptions can be found in  In addition, several publications also get generalized correction factors to be applied in Dowell’s resistance factor expression.

Study and analysis of Social network Aggregator However, these factors are usually derived from elaborated formulas and have to be determined from complicated coefficient tables Outside these minimum boundaries, it is advisable to determine Study and analysis of Social network Aggregator winding losses with FEA simulations. Referring to most of the literature, there are three main methods to deal with magnetic loss: hysteresis models; loss separation approach; and empirical methods. The former is usually based on the Jiles–Atherton or Preisach models The loss separation approach assumes that three fundamental effects are contributing to core losses: static hysteresis loss eddy current loss; Study and analysis of Social network Aggregator and excess eddy current loss Finally, the empirical approaches are based on the Steinmetz equation, which is a curve-fitting expression